2023 Sock Design: Busy Bees of BranchPattern

So, you’d like to know a little more about your new BranchPattern Socks? We’re so glad you do!

By wearing our latest sock design, not only are you sporting the latest fashion in footwear, but you’re also taking part in our Square Feet Program, and for that, we thank you!

Busy Bees of BranchPattern – 2023 Winning Sock Design

This year’s winning design highlights the humble and hardworking honeybee. The honeybee is a small but incredibly important insect in our ecosystem. These hardworking creatures are essential for food production and the maintenance of natural habitats. Despite their small size, honeybees play a critical role in our world and their hard work and dedication should be recognized and appreciated.

The meaning behind the design:

“When I started to design the sock, I kept asking myself, what creature in nature captures the essence of BranchPattern? My coworkers are some of the hardest working and organized people I know. The honeybee seemed like the perfect fit,” said Caitlyn Ziegler, sock design contest winner.

The 2023 sock design, now available in dress and athletic styles, successfully incorporates BranchPattern brand elements, messaging and colors while highlighting our company culture and desire to advocate for people and the planet. Honeycomb (a fractal pattern by which our name BranchPattern was inspired) is also incorporated into the design. The bees represent our employees, while brand marks represent offices.

“I love that BranchPattern can work from anywhere in the world! We have offices across the United States, and I wanted the sock design to represent our staff working on various projects around the world, while simultaneously achieving our singular purpose of Improving Life through Better Built Environments®,” said Caitlyn Ziegler.

“The decision to use a honeybee to represent what we do at BranchPattern each day was truly inspired,” said Melissa Jennings, Marketing Director. “The humble honeybee is hardworking, highly organized, focused on a common purpose, nimble, produces a beloved product, and they are vital to the success of ecosystems all over the planet. Dare I say much like BranchPattern.”
